Jesus, The Divine Mercy Personified: Comfort Of The Sorrowful

September 9, 2019

To quote Pope St. John Paul II once again:Making the Father present as love and mercy is in Christ’s consciousness the fundamental touchstone of his mission as the Messiah.” Jesus is God’s Only Begotten Son, whom he has sent to redeem the world.  That is why Jesus himself makes bold to say, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy, but I have come that they may have life, life in all its fullness” (John 10:10). A sorrowful person can never have abundant life. In reality, abundant life includes a life of material and spiritual satisfaction. Jesus is, therefore, interested in our material welfare, not just the spiritual aspect of human beings. That is why we should be confident that he comforts us in our sorrow. Remember the feeding of the Five Thousand Men. He fed them material bread. He told Saul, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me” (Acts 9:4).  You must believe that whatever affects us also affects Jesus himself.  Whenever  we are sorrowful, Jesus is aware; he is at that very time sorrowful with us, and he is doing something positive to improve our lot.


The point being made here is that when we acknowledge the fact that Divine Mercy is Comfort of the Sorrowful, the phrase “divine mercy” within this context is not something abstract; it actually refers concretely to Jesus Christ, who is Mercy Himself, whom God has sent to comfort us in our sorrows.


By Rev. Fr. Mark Ajiga


About The Diocese

While the advent of the Catholic Faith in the Catholic Diocese of Lokoja is usually dated to the opening of a new mission in Lokoja in 1884;

The birth of the Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, which we now call Lokoja Diocese must be dated back to 1955, when Kabba Prefecture was created, and later became Lokoja Diocese.

  • Catholic Bishop's House, Maryville, Lokoja, Kogi State

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